Looking For A Hotel To Stay During Crazy Covid Times? CITCO Hotels are Your Best Bet !


  Are you looking for a hotel near Chandigarh?

  You should know that not all hotels are providing you the safety measures you need to keep your health intact amid COVID strain. Thus, it is mandatory to ensure the place you choose   is safe and practicing the latest guidelines of the WHO and local authorities to provide safe accommodation for their guests.

  Dear Guests of Hotel Shivalikview, Hotel Mountview, and Hotel Parkview

  The CITCO Hotels Group has since the very first moment been intently following the most recent guidelines on the Covid-19 pandemic that has torn through the whole world with     Punjab being no exception. 

   Since its establishment, the CITCO Hotels Group has taken extreme measures to ensure that cleanliness and hygiene guidelines in our lodgings are kept up at the most elevated level to ensure the well-being and security of our guests and staff. 

   Considering the circumstance all of us have wound up in, we have taken all essential precautions and have followed the directives issued by the World Health Organization and the       Ministry of Health of India.

    Our whole staff is routinely educated about the exhaustive cleanliness systems they need to execute to ensure the hygiene and safety of the Hotel, the staff, and the esteemed guests.

  • In our entire lodgings, basic zones like anterooms, lifts, latrines, and all staff/visitor rooms are regularly cleaned by our remarkably trained and well-prepared staff who just carry out the Antibacterial Nano-Hygiene System adhering to carefully implemented rules. In short, we have done all to make you feel that you’re staying in one of the best hotels in Chandigarh.
  • In our kitchens, all important safety measures have been implemented to keep up the best expectations of cleanliness where the food and refreshments are concerned.  
  • More antibacterial hand sanitizers have been made available for all entrance points which is easily accessible for our guests.  We also ensure the social distancing practices and disinfecting protocols assuring a very high safety during your stay.

    CITCO Hotels Group will keep on adhering to all the mandates endorsed by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health to keep up the most significant level of covid safety thereby making solid and safe territories for its workers and guests.

    We are hopeful that with the following of the proper safety protocols, Punjab and Chandigarh along with the rest of the world will pass through this tough spot with the least harm. As usual, we are pleased to invite you to CITCO Hotels with the same degree of neighborliness and care we have shown our visitors since the very first moment. Read more blogs CLICK…